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Monument of Huai Hai Campaign

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Location: Xuzhou
Address: 2 Jiafang Road South, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221009, China
Fee: 20 Yuan/ticket
Operation: 7:00 – 17:30 for summer schedule, 7:30 – 17:00 for winter schedule
Route: Bus No. 11, 19, 58, 601, tourist Bus No. 1, 2, all to the region.

Phone: 86-516-384 0397

Monument of Huai Hai Campaign (also called Battle of Hsupeng or Battle of Xu-Beng) is a complex, consisting of a memorial tower, monuments, a memorial hall, and a theme park – Xuzhou Defense Park.

This monument area, including its facilities, was established in 1960 and opened to the public in 1965 to commemorate this battle which occurred during the modern Chinese civil war when People’s Liberation Army led by the Chinese Communist Party combated the army of the Chinese Nationalist Party - Guomindang.

The campaign started on November 6, 1948 and ended on January 10, 1949, lasting 65 days. There were totally about 1.4 millions of troops engaged in the battle from both sides and more than a hundreds of thousands died in the fighting. The Nationalist Party lost the battle eventually.

This campaign was the last major combat between two Chinese political parties, in which the Nationalist party eventually lost its control of mainland China and withdrew to Taiwan.

The memorial Hall/Tower and its associated facilities together in total have been listed as one of the highest National 4-AAAA Tourist Attractions in China.

This is a historic place where you could know the Chinese modern civil war.

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